Slow dependency resolution in Poetry
Poetry is a newish dependency management / packaging software. Recently I've come across a surprising performance issue with its dependency resolution, so I wanted to share a workaround I found.
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Roulette I (in Slovak)
Pred časom sa mi dostal do ruky link na [zaujímavý článok o rulete](http://braniblog.info/2/?fb_action_ids=10204512621958174&fb_action_types=og.likes), nazvaný "Ako som zarobil peniaze a kúpil si Lexus SC430-2003". Veľmi som tomu neveril, ale snažím sa mať hlavu otvorenú, tak som si to aspoň prečítal. V tomto poste by som teda chcel zhrnúť svoje postrehy.
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Roulette II (in Slovak)
Pred časom sa mi dostal do ruky link na [zaujímavý článok o rulete](http://braniblog.info/2/?fb_action_ids=10204512621958174&fb_action_types=og.likes), nazvaný "Ako som zarobil peniaze a kúpil si Lexus SC430-2003". Veľmi som tomu neveril, ale snažím sa mať hlavu otvorenú, tak som si to aspoň prečítal. V tomto poste by som teda chcel zhrnúť svoje postrehy.
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Python Pip Crashes
Fixing my Python install
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Performance of the unwrapIris()
Preformance optimization of a Python function
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Performance of the getOrientationAndMagnitude()
Profiling and performance optimization of a Python function
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Unwrapping the iris
Previously we have looked at detecting the iris in an image of an eye, now we'll look at transforming the circular image into a rectangular one.
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Basic Iris Detection
How to detect the iris in an image of an eye.
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Basic Pupil Detection
How to detect pupil in an image of an eye
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